I should just lie back and have a mommy moment for 45 minutes...
Mind you it isn't easy after helping him for the last fifteen years...
It's like a drum roll...Is he gonna get up, make his breakfast, get dressed, get his books together, brush hair and teeth and make it for the bus?
Then in a great surprise I hear, "Bye Mom!"
He's gone and done it all by himself, he did it!
Just days ago it wasn't this easy...
I found myself going to his room 3 to 5 times until he actually crawled out of bed and got ready for school.
It became that I was driving him to school instead of him taking the bus.
This insanity had to stop!
I was getting annoyed and cranky. I needed my happy mornings back!
(Me) Tips!
How do you get your teen to wake up?
- Help him with an alarm clock, have him set it up the night before.
- Tell your teen if she forgets to set the alarm and she's late the consequence will be--- She will be late. putting this into words, might actually make her feel accountable already.
- If she is still late, practice alarm clock setting on weekends and have her do the early morning getting up for school routine. This is done without your help...So sleep in!
- This would entail her to get up with the alarm and get dressed and ready as if she is going to school.
- Repeat if necessary the next weekend, even if there is one morning late!

If you are still are having troubles...
Maybe your teen absolutely sleeps through the alarm
Fights with you
Is just plain slow...
- follow through on weekends with the alarm clock plan and don't allow your teen out evenings until he can actually get this right.
- change bed time to half hour earlier. Maybe she really isn't getting enough sleep!
- don't get up in the morning until after the last child is on the bus.
A after all is said and done, I promise you your teen will make sure the alarm is set...
You know...
- teens have to learn responsibility!
- trying something new with your teen can be hard, expect there to be some late days to start.
- to be firm, but kind let them know you don't want them to be late, but you won't be waking them up anymore.
- teens like to test you just like when they were toddlers, soon they will learn that responsibility lies on themselves and not you.
Toddler Times
If we did all the walking for our capable toddlers years ago, we would be carry our teens around.
Using wheel chairs or any other apparatus!
Trust and have faith even though it may seem like it will never happen...It will.
Most of all love your teen, because they need your guidance and love more than ever now!
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